Get an responsive & sales-boosting Shopware theme

A good design makes all the difference! Our Shopware designers create a shop design that stands out from your competitors and increases your conversion rate.

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This is a mixture of examples, ideas and customer references.

Why design makes the difference

A good Shopware design is often highly underestimated. We would like to explain to you why your online store absolutely needs a unique design!

Your conversion rate is higher

People are naturally attracted to beauty, such as a round red apple or a symmetrical house, which conveys security. Customers show more trust in modernly designed online stores, which has a positive effect on sales.

Conversion rate is higher with a great design

Your customers buy more often

If your customers remember your store design positively, they will naturally always come back to buy your excellent products or recommend them to others. This is how a good design can become your best automatic seller!

Customers buy more often with a great design

You get less support cases

If your customer finds their way around your shop thanks to the clean and clear Shopware design, no more questions will go unanswered. This reduces the support effort of your team!

Less support cases with a great design

High turnover design needed?

You're one step away from taking your E-commerce business to the next level this year. Schedule an initial consultation now so we can discuss your goals.